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Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Hello everybody! I am Cikgu Alien anak Nojib. I am an English teacher in Sekolah Kebangsaan Grogo, Bau. I am a Bidayuh. Welcome to my blog. This blog serve the purpose to share and reflects on my teaching for my English and Science subject. I hope you can give some constructivist comments to improve my teaching to my pupils. Thank You.....and don't forget to join me in this blog.

Sunday, 11 December 2011



Date                            :  4th July 2011
Time                            :  0800-0900
Duration                     :  1 hour
Class                           :  Year 6
Number of pupils     :  30
Subject                       :  Science Year 6
Theme                         :  Investigating The Earth And The Universe
Unit                              :  6. Eclipses
Topic                           :  The Darkening Sun

Prior Knowledge       :  In Year 5, pupils have studied the rotation of the Moon round the Earth and the
                                        rotation of the Earth round the Sun.  Most pupils could have seen an eclipse of the 
                                        Sun or least have heard about this phenomenon. 

Learning Outcomes    : At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

1.      State what eclipse of the Sun is.
2.      State the position of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun during the eclipse of the Sun.
3.      Explain why eclipse of the Sun occur.
4.   Predict what will happen on Earth during the eclipse of the sun.

 Scientific Skills / Thinking Skills :

  • Pupils observe the dark part casts on a globe when torch falls on it.  (TB page 95).
  • Pupils predict the scenario on Earth during the eclipse of the Sun.  (TB page 97).
Using Space-Time Relationship:
  • Pupils explain the changing shape of the Sun during the eclipse of the Sun by referring to the space-time relationship of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon.  (TB page 96).
  • Pupils write and share poems about the eclipse of the Sun with the class (TB page 98).
  • Pupils form mental picture of the eclipse of the Sun.  (TB page 96).
Compare and Contrast:
  • Pupils compare and contrast partial eclipse and total eclipse. (TB page 96).

Scientific Attitudes / Noble Values / Patriotism / Historical Values:

  • Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.  (Pupils observe the gradual change of the Sun's darkening part during the eclipse of the sun)
  • Being diligent and persevering.  (Being diligent and persevering while making the gadget to study the eclipse of the Sun.)
  • Realizing that science is a means to understand nature.  (Realizing that science is a means to understand nature of the eclipse of the Sun).  
  • Being respectful and well mannered.  (Having respect for other pupils' poems about the eclipse of the Sun. (Respect their creativity and and their styles of writing.)
  • Being thankful to God.  (Being thankful to God that the eclipse of the Sun seldom happens and even if it does, it will only last for a short time from a few seconds to a few minutes only).
  • Be co-operative (Be co-operative during role play to simulate the eclipse of the Sun).

Vocabularies: 1. collaborate - bekerjasama
                           2. eerie - seram
                           3. psyche - jiwa
                           4. phenomenon - fenomena
                           5. temperature - suhu
                           6. total eclipse - gerhana penuh

Teaching and Learning Resources: Rain Tree Science Encyclopaedia, Volume 6, Textbook, Internet.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: 
  • Discussion
          Pupils discuss how the eclipse of the Sun occurs.

          Pupils are shown the eclipse of the Sun by using a model.

  • Simulation
          Pupils role play the eclipse of the Sun.

  • Project
          Pupils carry out a project to make a gadget in order to observe the eclipse of the Sun.

  • Uses of Technology
          Pupils use the internet to find pictures and information on the eclipse of the Sun.

Teaching and Learning Activities:


  • Based on page 95 of Textbook, teacher possess some interesting activity which includes the discussion or a display of pictures of the eclipse of the Sun.  Teacher uses video clips taken from the internet to aid pupils.  
  • Teacher narrates stories about the eclipse of the Sun and its significant during ancient times to stimulate pupils mind.  For example:
          (a) The ancient Indians believed that a serpent ate up the Sun or a demon devoured it during eclipse of 
                the Sun.  
          (b) In some parts of ancient America, the natives had the idea that the Sun was tired when it eclipsed.
  • Teacher asks some brief and direct questions regarding the Sun to refresh the pupils' memory. (Because they already learned about the Sun, the Moon and the Earth in Year 5.)
          (a) Can you see the Sun right now in the sky?
          (b) How big do you think the size of the Sun compared to that of the Earth and the Moon?
          (c) Can you relatively compare the size of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon?


  • In a dark room, teacher shines a torch onto a globe and places a screen behind it.  Teacher discusses with with pupils the situation occur when the Moon blocks sunlight from reaching the Earth.  Teacher demonstrates and discusses with pupils;
          (a) the occurrence of eclipse of the Sun when the Moon's dark part falls onto the Earth's 
          (b) that this phenomenon will occur if the Moon, the Earth and the Sun are on a straight line.  

  • Teacher discusses with pupils how partial and total eclipse of the Sun occur.
  • Teacher asks pupils the scenario happens to the animals during the total eclipse of the Sun. 
  • Teacher asks pupils to describe what they will do when the sky suddenly turns dark.
  • Teacher helps pupils to conclude or infer that animals will think that it is night - time and behave accordingly.
  • Teacher and pupils discuss the temperature of the Earth during the eclipse of the Sun.  
  • Teacher asks pupils what is the main source of heat for the Earth is and what will happen if this main source of heat is cut off.
  • Pupils view a video on the eclipse of the Sun and do the interactive exercise on MyCD about eclipse of the Sun.


  • Teacher asks pupils questions to reinforce their new knowledge on the eclipse of the Sun, for example:
          (a)  What is the position of the Moon, the Sun and the Earth during the eclipse of the Sun?
          (b)  What happens if the Moon, the Sun and the Earth are not in a straight line?  Will the eclipse of the 
                 Sun occur?
  • Teacher asks other pupil's opinion before expressing own view on the eclipse.
  • Teacher makes an analogy of the eclipse of the sun with models or simulations.  Teacher helps pupils to be creative in making the posters.  
  • Since the mechanism of both the eclipse of the Sun and the eclipse of the Moon is similar, teacher helps pupils to compare them with the aid of a comparing and contrasting chart.
Additional Activity

  • Pupils work in groups of three to carry out the activity.  Have one pupil to hold up the large ball to represent the Sun.  then, have another pupil to hold up the small ball (Moon) directly in front of the Sun - about two metres away.  Another pupil stands in front of the person holding the "Moon" in about 0.5 m away.  This person will represents the "Earth" observer.
  • The pupil representing the "Earth" and the pupil representing the "Moon" should begin moving away from the pupil holding the "Sun" until the "Sun" and the "Moon" appears to be of the same size.  record the positions of the "Moon" and the "Sun" when they appear to be of the same size.  discuss why the Moon and the Sun appear to be of the same size. 
Enrichment activity (My Eclipse poster)

  • The aim of this activity is to help pupils to consolidate and further enhance their knowledge of the eclipse of the Moon and the Sun.  Teacher discusses with the pupils the following:
          (a) A heading for their posters (Encourage them to use creative titles)
          (b) The size of the poster.  (Pupils are encourage to use the Manila card).
          (c) How they intend to arrange their photos / pictures from the internet.

  • Teacher has to be aware that not all pupils have internet access.  in such case, help them to:
           (a)  share pictures
           (b)  share information
           (c)  develop team spirit

  • Pupils can paste their posters in the classroom.



Secara keseluruhannya, aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran berjalan dengan lancar sebagaimana yang dirancangakan.


     Kekuatan sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ini adalah pada kepelbagaian teknik ataupun kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang digunakan.  Contohnya, antara teknik yang digunakan ialah teknik penyoalan, bercerita dan simulasi.  ketiga-tiga aktiviti ini ternyata telah menarik minat murid-murid untuk melibatkan diri secara aktif di dalam sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran.  selain daripada itu, pengajaran ini juga menyerapkan unsur KBKK di mana murid-murid dibimbing untuk melengkapkan jadual membanding beza kejadian gerhana bulan dan gerhana matahari.  Soalan-soalan yang telah dikemukakan juga mampu merangsang murid-murid untuk berfikir.  Selanjutnya, aktiviti membuat poster memberi peluang kepada murid-murid untuk mengamalkan sikap bekerjasama dan bertolak ansur terutamanya dari segi perkongsian maklumat dan bahan.


     Secara keseluruhannya, saya menyedari bahawa saya telah terlebih masa untuk menyampaikan pelajaran ini.  Ini menunjukkan bahawa saya masih mempunyai kelemahan dari sudut pengurusan masa.

Langkah-langkah penambahbaikan.

     Memandangkan saya menghadapi masalah untuk mengajar mengikut masa yang telah ditetapkan maka saya telah membuat beberapa penelitian ke atas sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang telah dijalankan.  Melalui pemerhatian saya, bilangan aktiviti yang terlalu banyak dan pelbagai mungkin merupakan antara faktor utama yang membawa kepada masalah pengurusan masa pengajaran saya.  Oleh yang demikian, selepas ini saya perlu lebih teliti apabila merancang Rancangan Pengajaran Harian.

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