Date : 1st July 2011
Time : 0900 - 1000
Duration : 1 hour
Class : Year 6
Number of pupils : 30
Subject : Science Year 6
Theme : Investigating The Earth And The Universe
Unit : 6. Eclipses
Topic : The Vanishing Moon
Prior Knowledge : In Year 4, pupils have studied the solar system and the planets;
Relative size of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun; the orbits and the
spinning of the Moon and the planets. In Year 5, they have studied
the phenomenon of day and night together with phases of the Moon
and the existence of constellation.
Learning Outcomes : At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. State what eclipse of the Moon is.
2. State the position of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun during the eclipse of the Moon.
3. Explain why eclipse of the Moon occur.
Scientific Skills / Thinking Skills :
- Observing
Pupils observe the gradual changes of the darkening part of the Moon during the eclipse of the Moon. (TB page 93)
- Making Inferences
Pupils make inference why the Moon is disappearing during the eclipse of the Moon. (TB page 92)
- Using space-time relationship
Pupils describe the changes in position of the Moon and the Earth with time so as to establish their correct positions before the eclipse of the Moon can take place. (TB page 93)
- Communicating
Pupils communicate with each other while simulating the movement of the Moon and the Earth to produce the eclipse of the Moon. (TB page 94)
Scientific Attitudes/Noble Values/Patriotism/Historical Values:
· Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
Pupils observe the gradual change of the Moon’s darkening part during the eclipse of the Moon.
· Being Co-operative
Be co-operative during the role play to simulate the eclipse of the Moon.
· Realizing that science is a means to understand nature.
To realize that eclipse of the Moon is one of the means to understand natural phenomena.
· Thinking Rationally
Pupils are aware that eclipse of the Moon is a natural phenomenon though sometimes associated with
certain beliefs.
Vocabularies: 1. faint (pudar)
2. subtle (tidak ketara)
3. superstitions (karut)
4. torch (lampu suluh)
5. total (penuh)
Teaching and Learning Resources: Textbook, Videos (You Tube), Chart
Suggested Teaching Strategies:
· Discussion
Pupils discuss the effect of the dark part of the Earth falling on the Moon.
· Simulation
Pupils simulated and observed the eclipse of the Moon by using a Styrofoam ball and a strong source of light.
· Use Of Technology
Teacher and pupils use the internet to search for pictures and information on the eclipse of the Moon.
Teaching and Learning Activities:
· Teacher begins the lesson by asking pupils to examine the picture on page 91 of the Textbook.
· Teacher asks pupils to guess why the characters look excited.
· Teacher prompts them with the questions as stated in the stimulus page. (Accept all possible
· Teacher can ask pupils further stimulus questions such as:
(a) Why can’t they see the Sun directly?
(b) What instruments or gadgets are they using?
· Teacher starts the lesson on page 92 of the Textbook by asking pupils about Moon and its function. (Teacher can use questions provided in the stimulus page)
Questions: 1. What do you think these pupils are doing? It looks like they are
watching something in the sky.
2. Have you ever seen the eclipse of the Moon?
3. If Moon does not emit light, why does it shine brightly at night?
4. Why was the Moon very important to the people in the ancient era?
· Teacher points out some ancient stories and beliefs about the eclipse of the Moon.
This will help to attract pupil’s attention. Examples are:
(a) The Indians believe that a serpent or a demon eats up the Moon during eclipse of the
(b) The ancient Chinese thought that the Moon was fighting with a great dragon, They
thought that by making loud noises they could chase the dragon away.
(c) During ancient time, some American Indians tribes thought the Moon was hunted by
huge dogs during the eclipse of the Moon. The dogs were imagined as catching the
Moon and then tearing it until it soft light reddened and was put out by the blood
flowing from its wound.
· Based on page 93 of the Textbook, teacher asks pupils what they already know about the Sun, the Moon and The Earth. Pupils are asked to recall the knowledge they have gathered in Year 4 and Year 5 of their Science studies and the idea of the orbits of the Moon round the Earth and the orbit of the Earth round the Sun.
· Teacher reminds pupils of their lesson in Year 5 about shadow and then develops the idea that the earth also forms shadow (The dark part or also known as umbra). When the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, the Earth block the Sun from reaching the Moon, thus casting the shadow on the Moon. Teacher explains that this phenomenon creates the eclipse of the Moon.
· Teacher shows a video (Eclipse of the Moon) to the pupils.
· By using a model, teacher discusses with pupils what will happen when the Moon enters the lighter
part of the earth (penumbra) and the dark part of the Earth (umbra).
· Teacher uses deductive enquiry to help the pupils infer the partial eclipse of the Moon and a total
eclipse of the Moon.
· By using a series of photographs such as those shown on pages 92 and 93 of the Textbook, teacher discusses with pupils the following:
(a) The passage of the Moon as it first enters the lighter part, then the dark part and finally out of the dark part.
(b) The change in shape of the Moon as the eclipse progresses.
· Teacher discusses with the pupils to help them conclude that the eclipse of the Moon occurs when:
(a) The Earth is between the Sun and the Moon.
(b) The Earth, the Moon and the Sun are in a straight line.
· Pupils do the Interactive Exercise on the eclipse of the Moon on MyCD.
· Teacher asks pupils questions that are related to the scenarios on Earth during the eclipse of the
· Teacher asks pupils to dramatize the scenarios.
· Teacher guides pupils to do the practical activity. In this practical, pupils use satay stick, polystyrene
ball and a strong light source to simulate the eclipse of the Moon. (This activity reinforces pupil’s
understanding of a total and partial eclipse of the Moon. By having to relate time and
position they are developing their skills of using space-time relationship. Encourage
pupils to get more of their own pictures from the Internet.)
· Teacher sets up a trippensee to simulate the movement of the Earth and the Moon round the Sun.
· Teacher asks pupils which of its component represents the Moon, the Earth and the Sun.
· Teacher groups pupils and let them find out the position of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun during
the eclipse of the Moon.
· Teacher asks the pupils to make a discussion in groups and then draw a diagram in their Science Journal to show how the eclipse of the Moon occurs.
· Teacher explains the rules of the game. (Sequencing Game)
· Teacher prepares three circle cards (different sizes) to represent the Moon, the Sun and the Earth.
· Teacher picks three pupils randomly to come to the front and pick one circle card each.
· Teacher asks them to stand according to the position of the Moon, the Sun and the Earth during
eclipse of the Moon.
· Teacher asks for responses from the other pupils in the class.
· Teacher concludes the lesson.
Key Concepts:
Eclipse Of The Moon
During an eclipse of the Moon (Lunar eclipse), the Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the Moon. An eclipse of the Moon (Lunar eclipse) occurs at a full Moon when the Earth is directly between the Moon and the Sun. Thus, the Moon appears dark from the Earth.
Phases Of Eclipse Of The Moon.
During the eclipse of the Moon, the Earth’s shadow has two parts:
· The lighter part (also known as penumbra) – where the Earth partly blocks the sunlight.
· The dark part (also known as umbra) – where the earth totally blocks the sunlight.
Partial Eclipse Of The Moon
In a partial eclipse, the Earth’s dark part (umbra) darkens a part of the Moon. The remainder of the Moon will still be quite bright as normal. However, the Earth’s dark part will gradually move across the Moon, and the sunlight level will drop noticeably. Less and less portion of the Moon will remain bright.
Total Eclipse Of The Moon
In a total eclipse of the Moon, the dark part of the Earth (umbra) completely covers the Moon. The Moon darkens, turns into a dark red or dark coppery-red colour disc. A total eclipse is always preceded and followed by a partial eclipse
There are some beliefs that the eclipse of the Moon is seen as a bad omen. Many superstitions have been associated with the eclipse of the Moon. Thus, it is important to understand the mechanism of the eclipse of the Moon and to accept that it is just a natural phenomenon.
Secara keseluruhannya, sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ini telah berjalan lancar tanpa sebarang masalah. Saya juga telah merangka Rancangan Mengajar ini dengan teliti agar ianya dapat mewujudkan suasana pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang bermakna serta menyeronokkan. Saya amat percaya bahawa pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan dapat menarik minat murid-murid untuk terlibat secara aktif di dalam setiap aktiviti yang telah dirancangkan.
Melalui pemerhatian saya, pemilihan kaedah serta teknik pengajaran yang sesuai serta penggunaan Bahan Bantu Mengajar yang menarik telah banyak mendatangkan manfaat di dalam sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ini. Contohnya, sesi tayangan video tentang kejadian gerhana bulan benar-benar menarik minat anak-anak murid saya. Ramai di antara mereka yang terpegun apabila melihat video tersebut. Tidak kurang juga yang mula bertanyakan soalan berkaitan dengan apa yang mereka dapat lihat di dalam video tersebut. Sedikit sebanyak, mereka telah memperolehi gambaran awal tentang kejadian gerhana bulan. Ini sekaligus memudahkan tugas saya kerana saya saya tidak perlu lagi menerangkan tentang kejadian gerhana bulan secara panjang lebar.
Selain daripada video tersebut, diagram yang terdapat di atas juga turut meningkatkan lagi tahap kefahaman murid tentang fenomena gerhanan bulan. Selanjutnya, saya juga telah menanyakan pelbagai bentuk soalan kepada murid-murid saya bagi menggalakkan mereka berfikir secara kritis dan kreatif. Di akhir pengajaran pula, saya menggunakan kaedah permainan menyusun sfera berlainan saiz yang mana ianya mewakili bulan, bumi dan matahari. Aktiviti ini sememangnya dinanti-nanti oleh murid-murid. Mereka sangat seronok apabila dipanggil untuk datang ke depan bagi menyelesaikan permainan tersebut.
Sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ini masih boleh diperbaiki. Contohnya dengan mempelbagaikan lagi teknik serta kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Selain daripada itu, bagi meningkatkan tahap kefahaman pelajar, saya juga boleh memanggil murid sendiri untuk datang ke depan dan melakukan sendiri aktiviti main peranan bagi menerangkan kejadian gerhana. Saya percaya bahawa apabila murid terlibat secara langsung dengan aktiviti tersebut mereka sudah tentu akan lebih memahami tentang konsep yang dipelajari di dalam setiap sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran.
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